Tanbyh alkhawatir w nuzhat alnawazir
Abu l-Ḥusayn Warrām b. Abī Firās b. Ḥamdān al-Mālikī al-Nakhaʿī al-Ḥilli
Tanbīh al-khawāṭir wa nuzhat al-nawāẓir (Arabic: تَنبیهُ الخَواطِر و نُزهَةُ النَّواظِر) is a book in Arabic written by Warram b. Abi Firas al-Hilli, Twelver Shi'a jurist and hadith scholar of the sixth/twelfth century. The topic of this book is moral lessons and dictums.
The full information of the hadith is given below