Wasā’il al-Shī’a
Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan b. ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn al-ʿĀmilī
Tafṣīl wasāʾil al-shīʿa ilā taḥṣīl masāʾil al-sharīʿa (Arabic:تفصیلُ وَسائل الشیعة إلی تَحصیلِ مسائل الشّریعة) reputably known as: Wasāʾil al-shīʿa (وسائل الشیعة) is a Shi'a Hadith collection, compiled by al-Shaykh al-Hurr al-'Amili (d.1104/1693). It consists of Shi'a narrative traditions from early Shi'a hadith collections like The Four Books and other sources, pertaining exclusively to jurisprudential matters.
The full information of the hadith is given below