Different Names and Titles of Lady Fatima (as) and Their Meanings

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Different Names and Titles of Lady Fatima (as) and Their Meanings

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To give names to their newborn children is of a special importance to advocates of Allah's religion, for a human being is called by his name; hence, a good or, bad name leaves its effect on the holder. 
Upon studying the life of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (as), we realize that various names have been given to her, each of which mentions a virtue that existed in her.
Imam Sadiq (as) said:

"Fatima has nine names near Allah (Exalted be His Name), they are: Fatima, Siddiqah (the honest), Al-Mubarakah (the blessed one), At-Tahirah (virtuous), Az-Zakiyah (the chaste), Ar-Radhiatul Mardhiah (she who is gratified and who shall be satisfied), Al-Muhaddathah (a person, other than a prophet, that the angels speak to), and Az-Zahra (the splendid)."

Let’s investigate each of these names in order to secure an accurate meaning of them and the reason as to why Lady Fatima (as) was given them. 


 Imam Sadiq (as) said:
"Do you know the explanation of (the name) Fatima?
I said:
`Inform me my Master.'
He said:
`She is safeguarded from evil.'
He then added:
`Had Amir-Al-Mu'mineen not married her, no man on earth from Adam on would have been suitable for her until the Day of Rising. "'
Imam Ar-Ridha’, quoting his Fathers (as) said:
"The Messenger of Allah (S) said:
`O Fatima, do you know why you have been given the name Fatima?'
‘Ali (as) said:
`Why was she named (Fatima)?'
He replied:
`Because she [Fatima az-Zahra], and her followers (Shiites) are protected from Hell. "'


One of Fatima's names was Siddiqah which was given to her by her father  Prophet Muhammad (s). This word means a woman with scrupulous honesty and sincerity. Several other meanings have been given to the word Siddiqah; among them are:
A. She who is a truth-teller.
B. She who never lies.
C. She whose deeds conform to her words.
D. She who never lied, because she is used to truthfulness.
E. A woman with scrupulous speech and beliefs, and whose deeds conform to her words.
F. She who believes in the commands of Allah, and His Prophet's, without doubting any of them.


Barakah means: multiplication, felicity and abundance; as Taj al-Arous clarifies. Also, Ragheb said: Because divine goodness springs from an ever - continuous source in an unlimited manner, it is said that anything which noticeably multiplies or, increases is Mubarak, or, blessed.

Allah Almighty gifted Fatima with abundant blessings, and made her the Mother of the Prophet's descendants on whom Allah has bestowed ever - lasting benevolence, and today the descendants of lady Fatima (as) are numerous despite the fact that her descendants and the Imams from his children were always tortured and martyred by the enemies of the Prophet’s Ahl al-Bayt. 

Allah Almighty gifted Fatima with abundant blessings, and made her the Mother of the Prophet's descendants on whom Allah has bestowed ever - lasting benevolence, and today the descendants of lady Fatima (as) are numerous despite the fact that her descendants and the Imams from his children were always tortured and martyred by the enemies of the Prophet’s Ahl al-Bayt. 


One of Fatima az-Zahra’s (sa) names was "At Taherah" (the virtuous, or, pure). This meaning is related to the verse:

"And, Allah only wished to remove all abomination from you, ye member of the Family, and to make you pure, and spotless." (33: 33)

It is indisputable that this verse, known as "the verse of purification" concerns Fatima At-Taherah (as), and both Shiite and Sunni scholars agree on this, except a very small number. This established fact has been reached in light of the traditions, which unanimously state that the said verse includes ‘Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn (as).

It is indisputable that this verse, known as "the verse of purification" concerns Fatima At-Taherah (as), and both Shiite and Sunni scholars agree on this, except a very small number. This established fact has been reached in light of the traditions, which unanimously state that the said verse includes ‘Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn (as). 


The word "Tazkiah" has been mentioned several times and in different forms in the Holy Qur’an. It means the attestation of someone's honorable record, or to purify one's self. For instance, the following verses spoke of "Tazkiah":
"Truly he succeeds that purifies it," (91: 9)
"Hast thou slain an innocent person," (18: 74)
"(To announce) to thee the gift of a holy son." (19: 7)

The meaning of the first verse is to purify one's self from evil characteristics which develop from corrupt nutrition, excessive speech, anger, envy, greed, self and material worship, conceit and vanity. This type of purification is performed by abandoning such traits and adhering to the noble characteristics which contradict the above mentioned ones.
The second verse means: Have you killed someone who, I attest to his honourable record, for he has not committed a crime, or, an action, which necessitates punishing?
The third verse speaks of granting a prophet a virtuous son made pure from all sins, and whose nations conform to goodness. Lady Fatima az-Zahra (sa) is “Zakiyah” in all the above-mentioned meanings. This is understood from the verse of purification, which we have already discussed, and concluded that she was pure of all abominations, or, "Rijs."


Accepting and being pleased with what Allah ordains for one's self, is considered an excellent degree of belief in Allah-Glory be to Him. Throughout her difficult life, Lady Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was delighted with whatever Allah Almighty ordained for her. During the difficult stages of her life, Fatima az-Zahra (sa) went through a lot of hardships and trials such as fear, oppression, deprivation, poverty, sorrows and pains, and in all of them she managed to remain thankful to Allah and never did she complain to Him. 

Throughout her difficult life, Lady Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was delighted with whatever Allah Almighty ordained for her. During the difficult stages of her life, Fatima az-Zahra (sa) went through a lot of hardships and trials such as fear, oppression, deprivation, poverty, sorrows and pains, and in all of them she managed to remain thankful to Allah and never did she complain to Him. 


"Mardhiyoun", which means someone with whom Allah is pleased, has an excellent rank, and lofty position near Almighty Allah.
Just a few of Allah's worshippers achieve this rank, which is attained by piety, and sincerity. Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was one of those who was able to reach this lofty position. She achieved this rank through her good deeds that pleased Allah, and made Him well-satisfied with her.


First of all, it should be noted that the angels speak, appear, and can be heard by others than prophets. There are several verses in the Quran indicating that the angels spoke to individuals other than the prophets such as lady Maryam (as). 
Al-Muhaddathah means those who are spoken to by angels, or those whose opinions and viewpoints always conform to righteousness as if they were inspired by the Kingdom of Heaven. Hence, this position is a generous miracle bestowed upon a selected group of Allah's pious worshippers, and an exalted position granted to Allah's chosen ones.
Thereupon, it becomes readily easy to distinguish that Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was spoken to by angels. Because “the Mistress of all women”, and the daughter of the best of all Prophets and Messengers is not any less significant than Maryam Bint Imran (as), or, Sarah, Ibrahim's (as) wife, or, Musa's (as) mother. 


In v. 10 of Bihar al-Anwar, Ibn Abbas narrates that Allah's Messenger said:

"Surely my daughter Fatima is: The Mistress of all women from the beginning to the end. She is part of me, and the light of my eyes, She is the f lower of my heart, and is my soul, (Fatima) is a human huri, who whenever she stands in prayers in the presence of Her Lord (Exalted is His Name), her light illuminates the skies for the angels, like stars shine to people on Earth." 

This narration clarifies the reason for which Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was given the name Zahra. There are other narrations, which mention that she had a bright and splendid face.

Lady Fatima az-Zahra (sa) had other titles, and each one of them reflected a virtue of noble trait which she enjoyed. Among those titles were: Al-Batoul, Al-Adhra (The Virgin), and Al-Hania (The Affectionate one to her children). Fatima’s (sa) favorite title was "Umm Abiha" meaning her father's mother which was given to her on account of her deep affection and sense of care for her father.

Lady Fatima az-Zahra (sa) had other titles, and each one of them reflected a virtue of noble trait which she enjoyed. Among those titles were: Al-Batoul, Al-Adhra (The Virgin), and Al-Hania (The Affectionate one to her children). Fatima’s (sa) favorite title was "Umm Abiha" meaning her father's mother which was given to her on account of her deep affection and sense of care for her father.

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