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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Degrees of the oneness of God 2 (Oneness of the Attributes)

Degrees of the oneness of God 2 (Oneness of the At...

we know that God is Knowing, Powerful, Living, Hearing, Seeing, and so on. These...

What is Bada' (change of destiny)?

What is Bada' (change of destiny)?

The reality of bada' is founded upon two principles. The first is that God has a...

The completion of Islam on the day of Ghadir

The completion of Islam on the day of Ghadir

History tells us that the enemies of the Prophet tried in many ways to thwart hi...

What is Meant by ‘Shaytan’ in the Noble Qur’an?

What is Meant by ‘Shaytan’ in the Noble Qur’an?

Shaytan refers to an entity that is rebellious - irrespective of whether it is o...

The differences between the miracles of the Prophets and other extraordinary acts

The differences between the miracles of the Prophe...

The miracles of the Prophets are not limited to just one or two types, but are o...

What is Raj'a (the return)?

What is Raj'a (the return)?

In the Arabic language, raj'a means 'return'; in Shi'i terminology it denotes th...

Imam Ali's Letter to Malik al-Ashtar Part 2

Imam Ali's Letter to Malik al-Ashtar Part 2

Written1 for (Malik) al-Ashtar an-Nakha'i, when the position of Muhammad ibn Abi...