Islam Plus

ورود فارسی

امام علی (علیه السلام):

بهترين گفتار، آن است كه به نظامی نیکو آراسته باشد و عالم و عامى آن را بفهمند.

آخرین احادیث نمایش همه

رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
رسول اکرم (صلی الله علیه و آله ):
پیامبر (ص) فرمود: حواریون به عیسی گفتند: ای روح خدا! با چه کسی همنشین شویم؟ فرمود: با کسی که دیدن...

وبلاگ نمایش همه

What Non-Muslims Say About Muhammad, The Prophet of Islam

What Non-Muslims Say About Muhammad, The Prophet o...

This is a collection of short quotations from a wide variety of Non-Muslim notab...

Eating salt before and after each meal

Eating salt before and after each meal

It is reported that the Prophet (S) always used to have salt before and after me...

Helping the Poor

Helping the Poor

Islam has emphasized helping the poor and warns those who are careless about the...

11) His (Imam Sajjad's) Supplication for Good Outcomes

11) His (Imam Sajjad's) Supplication for Good Outc...

O He remembering whom brings honour to those who remember! O He thanking whom br...

Intercession ( Shafa'ah )

Intercession ( Shafa'ah )

Intercession pertains to those individuals whose connection with God and religio...

40) Imam Sajjad's Supplication when Death was Mentioned

40) Imam Sajjad's Supplication when Death was Ment...

His Supplication when Someone's Death was Announced to him or when he Remembered...

Sweeter Than Honey (story)

Sweeter Than Honey (story)

In the last days of his life, our 3rd Imam, Imam Husain (A) had to fight against...

26) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Neighbours and Friends

26) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Neighbours ...

Let me, O God, repay their evildoer with good-doing, turn away from their wrongd...