
Reflections on the Islamic Teachings
Man, according to his divine nature, inclines towards the truth, provided that his bias and carnal inclinations do not prevent him from seeing the truth. Islam Plus, in the section of Articles, strives to provide contents in a variety of subjects related to Islam for those who are willing to adopt and tread the right path.
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The Spiritual Equality of Man and Woman in the Holy Qur'an

Men and women are equal before God, as per Islam, both of them have the same opportunity for salvation, the same moral and spiritual responsibility and ultimately the same freedom and rights in the spiritual and religious sense. But no one can deny that there are some differences between the two sexes which lead to some differences in their role in t...

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In the commentary al-Durrul Manthur, it has been narrated from Ibne 'Abbas that when the verse: "Then give...
Islam & Religions » History of Islam
Some ask that although the aim of our creation is human perfection, what is the purpose of this goal? The...
Beliefs & Creeds » General Beliefs
A life of luxury and lavishness is not desirable in Islam. Islam condemns such life when its practitioners...
Lifestyle » Consumption Culture
Once when Imam Hasan (A) and Imam Husain (A) were children they both fell ill. When the Prophet (S) found ...
Qur’an & Ahl al-Bayt » Stories and Narratives