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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



The Positive and Negative Attributes of God

The Positive and Negative Attributes of God

The attributes of God have been grouped into “positive” and “negative”: the form...

42) Imam Sajjad's Supplication upon Completing a Reading of the Qur'an

42) Imam Sajjad's Supplication upon Completing a R...

O God, Thou hast helped me complete Thy Book, which Thou sent down as a light an...

A Brief Biography of the ninth Imam; Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Jawad (as)

A Brief Biography of the ninth Imam; Muhammad Ibn ...

Imam Muhammad at-Taqi was born in 195/809 in Medina. The news of his birth cause...

The Prophet of Morality

The Prophet of Morality

One day when the Prophet and his companions were crossing a desert, they decided...

The Revelation of Sura al-Dahr (story)

The Revelation of Sura al-Dahr (story)

Once when Imam Hasan (A) and Imam Husain (A) were children they both fell ill. W...

The Shi'ite collections of Hadith

The Shi'ite collections of Hadith

The hadiths of the Prophet, and his Sunna generally, are considered, together wi...

Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil

Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil

Amr bi ’l-marūf & nahi ‘ani ’l-munkar is a moral and ethical safety-net for the ...