Islam Plus

ورود فارسی

امام علی (علیه السلام):

بهترين گفتار، آن است كه به نظامی نیکو آراسته باشد و عالم و عامى آن را بفهمند.

آخرین احادیث نمایش همه

رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
رسول اکرم (صلی الله علیه و آله ):
پیامبر (ص) فرمود: حواریون به عیسی گفتند: ای روح خدا! با چه کسی همنشین شویم؟ فرمود: با کسی که دیدن...

وبلاگ نمایش همه

The challenges of Islamic lifestyle in the modern world

The challenges of Islamic lifestyle in the modern ...

In the modern time, especially, in twentieth century Muslims faced serious cultu...

Visiting Graves

Visiting Graves

Visiting the graves of Muslims, in particular, those of relatives and friends, i...

8) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Seeking Refuge

8) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Seeking Refuge

His Supplication in Seeking Refuge from Hateful Things, Bad Moral Qualities, and...

The Miraculous Aspects of the Quran

The Miraculous Aspects of the Quran

The difference between all other miracles and the miracle of the Qur'ān is that ...

And I'll Get the Firewood... (story)

And I'll Get the Firewood... (story)

Our Prophet, Prophet Muhammad (S) was sent by Allah to be our teacher. He said, ...

The Mosque of the Prophet (s) (story)

The Mosque of the Prophet (s) (story)

When the bad people of Makka continued to be mean to the Prophet (S) and the Mus...

What is the incident of Fadak?

What is the incident of Fadak?

In the commentary al-Durrul Manthur, it has been narrated from Ibne 'Abbas that ...