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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Imam Sadiq's Debate with “Abu Shakir” on Monotheism

Imam Sadiq's Debate with “Abu Shakir” on Monotheis...

One of the lengthy debates with Imam Ja’far Sadiq, peace be upon him, was the on...

Respect for the companions of the Prophet

Respect for the companions of the Prophet

There is a question which should be addressed without prejudice, sentimentalism ...

Lady Fatima Ma’sumah (S.A.)

Lady Fatima Ma’sumah (S.A.)

Hadrat Fatima Ma’sumah (S.A.), the Blessed and the Gracious Divine Lady among th...

Existence from the Islamic viewpoint

Existence from the Islamic viewpoint

The cosmos -meaning by this all that which is other than God- is the creation of...

22) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Hardship

22) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Hardship

His Supplication in Hardship, Effort, and Difficult Affairs.

Extravagance (Israaf)

Extravagance (Israaf)

Therefore, it can also be said that israaf is any useless action or any action w...