...When the verse “Do not call the Prophet like the way you call one another”(24:63) was revealed, even Fātima, like everyone else, started to address him as “O the Messenger of Allah” instead of saying “O Father!” After hearing Fātima calling him in this very formal manner, the Prophet said, “O Fātima, this verse does not apply to you or your childr...
His Supplication when Hostility was Shown to Him or when he Saw what he did not Like ...
Our 3rd Imam, Imam Husain (A) fought with the Umayyad ruler Yazid in 61 AH to save Is...
When our 9th Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (A) was a young man, king Ma'mun had arrang...
O God, bless Muhammad and his Household and release me from a debt which makes me los...