
داخلہ اردو

رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
إذا أرادَ اللّهُ بأهلِ بيتٍ خَيرا أدخَلَ علَيهِم بابَ رِفقٍ.

جب اللہ کسی گھرانے کے لئے خیر کا ارادہ کرے تو ان کے لئے نرمی کا دروازہ کھول دیتا ہے۔
اصلی الفاظ:
ماخذ: شرح نهج البلاغة ،ابن ابی الحدید جلد6 صفحہ339
ID: 952

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پیغمبراکرم (صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وآلہ وسلّم)

Source Data

The full information of the hadith is given below

Exposition of Nahj al-Balāgha, Ibn Abil-Ḥadīd
Abd al-Hamid b. Hibat Allah, known as Ibn Abi l-Hadid (586/1190 - 656/1258) was born in al-Mada'in. He began his education in his hometown and then traveled to Baghdad to continue his studies.Ibn Abi l-Hadid was a Shafi'i in jurisprudence and a Mu'tazilite in beliefs. He composed works in the fields of theology, logic, history, and poetry, but he is known mainly for his commentary on Nahj al-balagha, which reveals his mastery of literature, theology, ethics, history of early Islam, and Arabic poetry.

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