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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



A Brief Biography of Imam Hassan (as)

A Brief Biography of Imam Hassan (as)

Imam Hasan was well-known for spiritual wayfaring; he had also gone for pilgrima...

Morality and Ethics in Islam

Morality and Ethics in Islam

Islamic culture is how we Muslims should behave. It is the way Muslims are taugh...

Ablution (Wudu) according to the Shi'i school of thought

Ablution (Wudu) according to the Shi'i school of t...

There are some differences between Shi'a and Sunni school of thought with regard...

Mutual Understanding At Home

Mutual Understanding At Home

The world and the hereafter are the two sides of the same coin! The apparent sid...

The oneness of God (Tawhid)

The oneness of God (Tawhid)

Belief in the reality of God is a principle held in common by all heavenly relig...

What is the meaning of being infallible?

What is the meaning of being infallible?

Allamah Tabatabai states: “Infallibility” means the presence of a quality in the...

Imamate (Leadership) in Shi‘i Islam

Imamate (Leadership) in Shi‘i Islam

Imamate (Divinely Appointed Leadership) is a very high position, and it is only ...

The Attributes of Majesty (negative attributes which the Divine Essence is devoid of)

The Attributes of Majesty (negative attributes whi...

The attributes of God can be divided into two categories, those of Beauty (Jamal...