Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



40) Imam Sajjad's Supplication when Death was Mentioned

40) Imam Sajjad's Supplication when Death was Ment...

His Supplication when Someone's Death was Announced to him or when he Remembered...

The Revelation of Sura al-Dahr (story)

The Revelation of Sura al-Dahr (story)

Once when Imam Hasan (A) and Imam Husain (A) were children they both fell ill. W...

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1. Unity

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1. Unity

The Unity of God is one of the most important principles of Islam. Although the ...

What is the aim of Taqiyyah (Dissimulation)?

What is the aim of Taqiyyah (Dissimulation)?

Islam has explicitly permitted that when a person's life, wealth or honour is in...

How to develop religiosity in our children

How to develop religiosity in our children

The theory which claims that tendency towards religion is in the nature of man c...

The signs of the Hour (Resurrection day)

The signs of the Hour (Resurrection day)

In the discourse of the scholars, based on the Qur'an, there is an issue known a...

What is the incident of Fadak?

What is the incident of Fadak?

In the commentary al-Durrul Manthur, it has been narrated from Ibne 'Abbas that ...

What is “temporary marriage” {mut‘ah} and is it lawful?

What is “temporary marriage” {mut‘ah} and is it la...

Marriage {nikah} is an agreement between a man and a woman. Sometimes this bond ...