Islam Plus

ورود فارسی

امام علی (علیه السلام):

بهترين گفتار، آن است كه به نظامی نیکو آراسته باشد و عالم و عامى آن را بفهمند.

آخرین احادیث نمایش همه

رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
رسول اکرم (صلی الله علیه و آله ):
پیامبر (ص) فرمود: حواریون به عیسی گفتند: ای روح خدا! با چه کسی همنشین شویم؟ فرمود: با کسی که دیدن...

وبلاگ نمایش همه

Why is it Necessary to Utter Allah’s Name at the Time of Slaughtering (Animals)?

Why is it Necessary to Utter Allah’s Name at the T...

Does reciting the name of Allah (s.w.t.) or another entity while slaughtering an...

The Shi'ite collections of Hadith

The Shi'ite collections of Hadith

The hadiths of the Prophet, and his Sunna generally, are considered, together wi...

What is the reality of the Barzakh (intermediary world)?

What is the reality of the Barzakh (intermediary w...

Death is not the termination of life, but a transferal from one domain to anothe...

Different Names and Titles of Lady Fatima (as) and Their Meanings

Different Names and Titles of Lady Fatima (as) and...

To give names to their newborn children is of a special importance to advocates ...

Reincarnation, as viewed by Islam

Reincarnation, as viewed by Islam

Certain groups within different religions, and others outside the pale of all re...

Repentance, an invitation to more sins or a door to rectifying one's mistakes?

Repentance, an invitation to more sins or a door t...

One of the teachings of Islam -and indeed of all religions of heavenly origin-is...

5) His (Imam Sajjad's) Supplication for himself and the People under his Guardianship

5) His (Imam Sajjad's) Supplication for himself an...

O God, he whom Thou befriendest will not be injured by the abandonment of the ab...