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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



The Angel Who Could Not Fly (story)

The Angel Who Could Not Fly (story)

Our 3rd Imam, Imam Husain (A) was the second son of Imam Ali (A) and Lady Fatima...

What is the meaning of being infallible?

What is the meaning of being infallible?

Allamah Tabatabai states: “Infallibility” means the presence of a quality in the...

What does “Shi‘ah” mean?

What does “Shi‘ah” mean?

In Arabic “Shi‘ah” literally means “follower”. And the Muslims use the word “Shi...

Why did Allah (s.w.t.) not create mankind perfect from the onset?

Why did Allah (s.w.t.) not create mankind perfect ...

Perfection (and development) means that man traverses the path using his own fee...

A Great Lesson from Imam al-Hadi (as)

A Great Lesson from Imam al-Hadi (as)

During the 250-year imamate of our Imams (a.s.), they endured great sufferings. ...