Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil

Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil

Amr bi ’l-marūf & nahi ‘ani ’l-munkar is a moral and ethical safety-net for the ...

2) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Sending Blessing upon Muhammad and his Household

2) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Sending Blessing ...

After the praise of God he (upon him be peace) would supplicate by calling down ...

Respect and Kindness to Parents

Respect and Kindness to Parents

While all religions and all societies have given parents an honorable status but...

Today, Humanity Needs the Holy Qur'an

Today, Humanity Needs the Holy Qur'an

The blessings of the Holy Quran are endless. There is dignity, power, progress, ...

Lady Fatima (as) and the Revelation of Sura al-Kauthar

Lady Fatima (as) and the Revelation of Sura al-Kau...

Before the birth of lady Fatima (as), the Prophet had two sons, Qasim and Tahir,...

Generosity but Not Wastage (story)

Generosity but Not Wastage (story)

One day a man came to the Imam (A) and begged him to give him according to the e...

Signs of Faith in Allah

Signs of Faith in Allah

One who has faith in Allah Abstains from Corruption: Such a man abstains from tr...