Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



A Brief Look at What Happens after Death

A Brief Look at What Happens after Death

According to the Qur'an, belief in the hereafter and in the principle of ultimat...

General Prophethood and the reasons for its necessity

General Prophethood and the reasons for its necess...

God, the All-Wise, has chosen certain exalted persons to guide mankind, entrusti...

Reincarnation, as viewed by Islam

Reincarnation, as viewed by Islam

Certain groups within different religions, and others outside the pale of all re...

Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil

Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil

Amr bi ’l-marūf & nahi ‘ani ’l-munkar is a moral and ethical safety-net for the ...

What separates faith from disbelief?

What separates faith from disbelief?

In theological parlance, faith signifies belief in the Oneness of God, in the Da...

Is calling on someone tantamount to worshipping him and to polytheism?

Is calling on someone tantamount to worshipping hi...

What has prompted this question to be posed is the outward meaning of some of th...

Is Naskh (Abrogation) Permitted in the Religious Laws?

Is Naskh (Abrogation) Permitted in the Religious L...

In the terminology of the Shari'ah, Naskh means altering one ruling and replacin...