Islam Plus

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Имам Али (мир ему!):


رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
Великий пророк (да благословит его Аллах и род его!):
будучи спрошен о том, кто самый проницательный из верующих: - тот, кто больше всех поминает смерт...
الإمام جعفر الصادق (عليه السَّلام ):
Имам Джафар Садик (мир ему!) :
Поистине, кто отвечает на все, о чем его спрашивают – сумасшедший.
الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
Имам Али (мир ему!):
Радость – основа возникающей любви.


The Recognition of the Twelve Imams

The Recognition of the Twelve Imams

Recognition of the Imam can be attained in the following two ways: (a) the Proph...

10) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Seeking Asylum with God

10) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Seeking Asylum w...

OGod, make our ways smooth to Thy pardon through Thy kindness and grant us ...

The Ethical Excellence of Imam Moosa al-Kazim (as)

The Ethical Excellence of Imam Moosa al-Kazim (as)

With respect to his morality and ethical excellence, Ibne-Hajar writes, "The pa...

A Brief Biography of the Fifth Imam; Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir (as)

A Brief Biography of the Fifth Imam; Muhammad Ibn ...

Imam Muhammad bin ‘Ali’s lineage is unique in the sense that he is the only Imam...

How do the Shi‘ah view the Sahabah {Companions}?

How do the Shi‘ah view the Sahabah {Companions}?

History has recorded the names and descriptions of more than 12 thousand people ...

Then, Fatima Was Born!

Then, Fatima Was Born!

Growing in the house of revelation, gave her the chance to achieve the highest d...

Sermon 63 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the transience of the world

Sermon 63 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the transience...

Beware! Surely this world is a place from which protection cannot be sought exce...