Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Ways of Acquiring Knowledge in Islam

Ways of Acquiring Knowledge in Islam

Islam makes use of three principal means of acquiring knowledge of the world and...

Join Us For a Simple Meal (story)

Join Us For a Simple Meal (story)

Our 2nd Imam, Imam Hasan (A) was always very kind to the poor. One day, the Imam...

Love of the Prophet's Ahlulbayt

Love of the Prophet's Ahlulbayt

Love of the Prophet's family is stressed both in the Qur'an and the Surnna. The ...

The purpose of the Imamate (leadership)

The purpose of the Imamate (leadership)

As God chose special parsons to reveal his message and gave them special powers ...

The reason behind the rapid spread of Islam

The reason behind the rapid spread of Islam

One of the special features of the Shari'a is the simplicity and the balanced na...

Who are the Ahlul Bayt?

Who are the Ahlul Bayt?

The Shi‘a agree that the Ahlul Bayt, because of their high status of being along...

The Shi'ite collections of Hadith

The Shi'ite collections of Hadith

The hadiths of the Prophet, and his Sunna generally, are considered, together wi...