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الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
إلهي هَبْ لي كمالَ الانقِطاعِ إلَيكَ، وأنِرْ أبصارَ قُلوبِنا بِضِياءِ نَظَرِها إلَيكَ، حتّى تَخرِقَ أبصارُ القُلوبِ حُجُبَ النُّورِ، فَتَصِلَ إلى مَعدِنِ العَظَمةِ، وتَصيرَ أرواحُنا مُعَلّقةً بِعِزِّ قُدسِكَ.

L imam Ali (as) a dit dans une supplication intime : Ô Allah, accorde-moi un renoncement total pour Toi, illumine la vision de nos coeurs par la lumière de leurs regards tournés vers Toi, jusqu à ce que la vision des coeurs perce les voiles de la lumière et atteigne ainsi la source de la Magnificence, et que nos âmes deviennent attachées à la gloire de Ta sacralité.
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La source: Eghbale alamale Jeld3 Page299
ID: 1450

1718 0 اشتراک گذاری

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L'Imam Ali(Que salut soit sur lui)

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Iqbāl al-A’māl
Al-Sayyid Radi al-Din 'Ali b. Musa b. Tawus al-Hilli (b. 589/1193 – d. 664/1266), a descendant of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (a), was born in Hillah.[1] He was famous for his asceticism, piety and mysticism, and was an expert in jurisprudence, literature, and writing poetry. Sayyid had a great library which he inherited from his grandfather. He himself said that he had either read or been taught each of the books present in this library. Ibn Tawus wrote almost 50 works, most of which are about du'as and ziyarat
Dar al-Katb al-Islamiya

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