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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Is My Wudhu (ablution) Correct? (story)

Is My Wudhu (ablution) Correct? (story)

One day in Madina, an old man was performing his Wudhu getting ready to say his ...

Degrees of the oneness of God 3 (Oneness of the creatorship)

Degrees of the oneness of God 3 (Oneness of the cr...

The third degree of Tawhid pertains to the oneness of the source of creatorship ...

Event of Mubahalah

Event of Mubahalah

In the south of Arabia, there is a place called Najran. There lived the Christia...

8) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Seeking Refuge

8) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Seeking Refuge

His Supplication in Seeking Refuge from Hateful Things, Bad Moral Qualities, and...

What is shafa‘ah (intercession)?

What is shafa‘ah (intercession)?

Shafa‘ah means that an honorable person who enjoys special station and proximity...

What is the meaning of Divine Decree (Qada) and Measure (Qadar) in Islamic terminology?

What is the meaning of Divine Decree (Qada) and Me...

The term qadar in the Arabic language means 'measure' and 'portion'; and qada pe...

Who are the Twelve Imams?

Who are the Twelve Imams?

During his lifetime, the Holy Prophet (S) declared that after him there shall be...

Music From The Islamic Point of View

Music From The Islamic Point of View

Sometimes this numbness comes through the ears by listening to music and concert...