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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Why do Shi'a Muslims regard their Imams as “infallible” {ma‘sum}?

Why do Shi'a Muslims regard their Imams as “infall...

There are numerous proofs which confirm the infallibility {ismah} of the Imams w...

A Brief Biography of the ninth Imam; Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Jawad (as)

A Brief Biography of the ninth Imam; Muhammad Ibn ...

Imam Muhammad at-Taqi was born in 195/809 in Medina. The news of his birth cause...

Different Names and Titles of Lady Fatima (as) and Their Meanings

Different Names and Titles of Lady Fatima (as) and...

To give names to their newborn children is of a special importance to advocates ...

Rights of Children

Rights of Children

Just as food is a necessity for the growth of body, love and affection are neces...

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1. Unity

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1. Unity

The Unity of God is one of the most important principles of Islam. Although the ...

Imam Mahdi and his characteristics and his occultation

Imam Mahdi and his characteristics and his occulta...

The question we feel it is necessary to broach in this article is the belief in ...

Preparing a full time program

Preparing a full time program

It is better if the youths prepare their daily program a little more compressed ...