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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



What is Meant by ‘Shaytan’ in the Noble Qur’an?

What is Meant by ‘Shaytan’ in the Noble Qur’an?

Shaytan refers to an entity that is rebellious - irrespective of whether it is o...

What is the aim of Taqiyyah (Dissimulation)?

What is the aim of Taqiyyah (Dissimulation)?

Islam has explicitly permitted that when a person's life, wealth or honour is in...

What is the purpose of mankind’s creation?

What is the purpose of mankind’s creation?

It is rare to find someone who has not asked himself or others the question: “Wh...

Repentance, an invitation to more sins or a door to rectifying one's mistakes?

Repentance, an invitation to more sins or a door t...

One of the teachings of Islam -and indeed of all religions of heavenly origin-is...

Features of Imam Mahdi’s Government

Features of Imam Mahdi’s Government

After his reappearance, Imam Mahdi (AJ) invites people who are sick of oppressio...

43) Imam Sajjad's Supplication when he Looked at the New Crescent Moon

43) Imam Sajjad's Supplication when he Looked at t...

I have faith in Him who lights up darknesses through thee, illuminates jet-black...