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رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
أسألُكَ الرِّضا بالقَضاءِ، وَبَردَ العَيشِ بَعدَ المَوتِ، ولَذّةَ النَّظَرِ إلى وَجهِكَ، وشَوقا إلى رؤيَتِكَ ولِقائكَ.

[My Lord] I ask from You satisfaction with Your decree, a calm life after death, the delight of looking at Your Face, and yearning for seeing and meeting You.
Source: Makārim al-Akhlāq Vol2 P31
ID: 16331

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The Prophet Muhammad (S)

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Makārim al-Akhlāq
Abū Naṣr al-Ḥasan b. al-Faḍl al-Ṭabrisī (Arabic: ابو نصر الحسن بن الفضل الطبرسي) titled as Radi al-Din was among Imamiya hadith scholars of 6th/12th century. He was the son of al-Fadl b. al-Hasan al-Tabrisi the author of Majma' al-bayan. He was among the scholars of al-Tabrisi family and some works are attributed to him, the most famous among which is Makarim al-akhlaq.

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