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Social Ethics » Society » Public Health » Diseases » Sickness of the Believer
الإمام الكاظم (عليه السَّلام):
إذا مَرِضَ المؤمنُ أوحَى اللّهُ عَزَّوجلَّ إلى صاحِبِ الشِّمالِ: لا تَكتُبْ على عَبدي مادامَ في حَبسي ووَثاقي ذَنبا. ويُوحي إلى صاحِبِ اليَمينِ أنِ اكتُبْ لِعَبدي ما كُنتَ تَكتُبُهُ في صِحَّتِهِ مِن الحَسَناتِ.

When a believer becomes sick, Allah reveals unto the angel on his left [shoulder], 'Do not write a sin for my servant as long as he is in My confinement and My grasp, and He reveals unto the angel on his right [shoulder], 'Write for My servant what you were writing for him in merits when he was healthy.
ID: 16346

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Imam al-Kazim (as)

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