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Individual Ethics » Vices » Ill-temperedness » ill-naturedness
رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
قد قيلَ لَهُ: إنّ فُلانَةَ تَصومُ النّهارَ وَ تَقومُ اللّيلَ، وَ هِي سَيِّئةُ الخُلقِ تُؤْذي جِيرانَها بلِسانِها، لا خَيرَ فيها، هِي مِن أهْلِ النّارِ.

It was said to the Prophet (SAWA) that, Such and such a woman fasts during the days and stands for prayer during the nights, but she is ill-natured and insults her neighbors with her tongue , the Prophet (SAWA) then said, There is no good in her, she is of the people of the Hellfire.
Source: Majmū’ayi Warrām Vol10 P90
ID: 382

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Majmū’ayi Warrām

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