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Fundamental Beliefs » Human and Existence » World » Things that expiate sins - Good Deeds
الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
الحَرثُ حَرثانِ: فَحَرثُ الدنيا المالُ وَ البَنونُ، وَ حَرثُ الآخرةِ الباقياتُ الصالحاتُ، وَ قد يَجمَعُهُم اللّهُ عزّوجلّ لأقوامٍ.

Cultivation is of two kinds. Wealth and children are the cultivation of the world and righteous deeds are the cultivation of the Hereafter, and sometimes Allah combines the two for some people.
ID: 791

2039 0 شیئر

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Imam Ali (as)

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