Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)

A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)

...his time was divided into three parts: one spent for God, in worshipping and ...

Man and Free Will

Man and Free Will

If the free will of the individuals were non-existent, the dictates of religion ...

Attributes of Divine Activity

Attributes of Divine Activity

As for the attributes of Activity, these pertain to the various kinds of action ...

26) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Neighbours and Friends

26) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Neighbours ...

Let me, O God, repay their evildoer with good-doing, turn away from their wrongd...

The Recognition of the Twelve Imams

The Recognition of the Twelve Imams

Recognition of the Imam can be attained in the following two ways: (a) the Proph...

Contentment; The Secret of True Happiness

Contentment; The Secret of True Happiness

As we all pass through life looking at people and materialistic things around us...

Sermon 12: Does your brother love us? ...

Sermon 12: Does your brother love us? ...

When [1] Allah gave him (Amir al-mu’minin) victory over the enemy at the Battle ...

The Supplication of Kumayl

The Supplication of Kumayl

The supplication of Kumayl is one of the most beautiful Islamic Du'as which is n...