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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



What is Raj'a (the return)?

What is Raj'a (the return)?

In the Arabic language, raj'a means 'return'; in Shi'i terminology it denotes th...

Islamic Unity in the Quran and the conduct of the Prophet (S)

Islamic Unity in the Quran and the conduct of the ...

The Holy Qur'an invites all human beings to unity—Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc...

Sermon 87 of Nahj al-Balagha: The Qualities of the Faithful and the Unfaithful

Sermon 87 of Nahj al-Balagha: The Qualities of the...

...The lamp of guidance is burning in his heart. He has provided entertainment f...

The Sweetest Sleep (story)

The Sweetest Sleep (story)

When the idol worshippers of Makka found out that Prophet Muhammad (S) was preac...

A Brief Look at What Happens after Death

A Brief Look at What Happens after Death

Those who do not believe in God consider death as the end of human beings, and l...

Rights of Children

Rights of Children

Just as food is a necessity for the growth of body, love and affection are neces...

Illegitimate Relationships According to the Qur'an

Illegitimate Relationships According to the Qur'an

Islam does not forbid any sort of good and respectful relationship between the p...