Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1. Unity

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1. Unity

The Unity of God is one of the most important principles of Islam. Although the ...

How I Found My Happiness?

How I Found My Happiness?

After all, I must say that I don’t regret one moment that I became a Muslim. Isl...

What are the reasons for the backwardness of the Muslims?

What are the reasons for the backwardness of the M...

Why have Muslims, the leaders of yesterday, lagged behind today? Why is it that ...

The philosophy behind Du'a and Invocations

The philosophy behind Du'a and Invocations

Those, who have not comprehended the reality of du'a, and its educative and psyc...

A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)

A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)

...his time was divided into three parts: one spent for God, in worshipping and ...