Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Sources of The Sharī‘a (The Legal System of Islam)

Sources of The Sharī‘a (The Legal System of Islam)

Was not the Qur'ān enough on its own? The Qur'ān is a book of guidance which was...

Is Naskh (Abrogation) Permitted in the Religious Laws?

Is Naskh (Abrogation) Permitted in the Religious L...

In the terminology of the Shari'ah, Naskh means altering one ruling and replacin...

The Black Stone Speaks (story)

The Black Stone Speaks (story)

After the death of Imam Husain (A), our 4th Imam, Imam Zain al-Abideen (A) and a...

Intercession ( Shafa'ah )

Intercession ( Shafa'ah )

Intercession pertains to those individuals whose connection with God and religio...

taqiyya ('dissimulation') as viewed by the Shi'ite school of thought

taqiyya ('dissimulation') as viewed by the Shi'ite...

One of the teachings of the Qur'an is that a Muslim is permitted to conceal his ...

A Brief Biography of the Sixth Imam; Ja'far al-Sadiq (as)

A Brief Biography of the Sixth Imam; Ja'far al-Sad...

During the 34 years of imamate of as-Sādiq (a.s.) greater possibilities and a mo...