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الإمام جعفر الصادق (عليه السَّلام ):
عن الإمام الصّادق عليه السلام - لِفُضَيلٍ - :تَجلِسونَ وتُحَدِّثونَ؟ قالَ : نَعَم جُعِلتُ فِداكَ . قالَ : إنَّ تلكَ المَجالِسَ اُحِبُّها ، فأحْيوا أمْرَنا يا فُضيلُ ، فَرَحِمَ اللَّهُ مَن أحْيا أمْرَنا. يا فُضَيلُ ، مَن ذَكَرَنا أو ذُكِرْنا عندَهُ فَخرَجَ مِن عَينِهِ مِثلُ جَناحِ الذُّبابِ غفَرَ اللَّهُ له ذُنوبَهُ ولَو كانَ أكثرَ مِن زَبَدِ البحرِ .

L'Imam al-Sadiq (as) demanda à Fuçlayl : «Vous asseyez-vous ensemble et enseignez le badïth ?» Il répondit : «Oui, que je vous sois sacrifié.» Il (as) dit: «En vérité, j'aime ces assemblées. Ô Fuçlayl ! Gardez notre cause vivante. Que la Miséricorde d'Allah soit sur ceux qui gardent notre cause vivante. Ô Fuçlayl, celui qui nous a évoqué ou en présence de qui on nous a évoqué et qui a pleuré l'équivalent de l'aile d'une mouche, Allah lui pardonnera ses péchés même s'ils sont aussi nombreux que l'écume de la mer.»
La source: Ghorbe alassenade Nombre36 Monetakhabe mizane alhekmah Jeld1 Page246
ID: 2767

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L'Imam Djafar Sadiq

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Qurb al-Asnād
'Abd Allah b. Ja'far al-Himyari 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far al-Himyari was a Shiite scholar and muhaddith in the 3rd/9th and 4th/10th centuries. Nothing is known about the dates of his birth and death, but he definitely lived in the periods of Imam al-Hadi (a) and Imam al-Hasan al-'Askari (a) and the Minor Occultation.

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Mizan al-Hikmah
Mohammad Mohammadi Nik known as Rayshahri (1325-1401) was a Shia cleric, scholar of Hadiths, guardian of Astan Abdulazim Hosni and one of the agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Rayshahri was also the representative of the people of Tehran in the Assembly of Experts and the founder and president of the Quran and Hadith University, and the head of Hajj. Mizan al-Hikmah is his most famous work and he wrote many books based on Shia hadiths. Several collections such as Amir al-Mominin's Encyclopedia, Imam Hossein's Encyclopedia, Imam Mahdi's Encyclopedia, and Qur'an and Hadith Encyclopedia were also authored under his supervision. He was the son-in-law of Mirza Ali Meshkini.

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