Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



A Man Like Me Cannot Give Allegiance to a Man like Him (story)

A Man Like Me Cannot Give Allegiance to a Man like...

Our 3rd Imam, Imam Husain (A) fought with the Umayyad ruler Yazid in 61 AH to sa...

Why must the Prophets be Ma‘sūm (Infallible)?

Why must the Prophets be Ma‘sūm (Infallible)?

The Wise and Merciful God sent the prophets so that human society may recognize ...

What is Bada' (change of destiny)?

What is Bada' (change of destiny)?

The reality of bada' is founded upon two principles. The first is that God has a...

A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)

A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)

...his time was divided into three parts: one spent for God, in worshipping and ...

Music From The Islamic Point of View

Music From The Islamic Point of View

Sometimes this numbness comes through the ears by listening to music and concert...

Eating Habits in Islam (Part 1)

Eating Habits in Islam (Part 1)

The religion of Islam has one of the most comprehensive eating and dietary habit...

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 2. Knowledge

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 2. Knowledge

There are hundreds of verses in which the Qur’an talks about different aspects o...

1) In Praise of God

1) In Praise of God

When he (upon him be peace) began to supplicate, he would begin with praise and ...