Islam Plus

ورود فارسی

امام علی (علیه السلام):

بهترين گفتار، آن است كه به نظامی نیکو آراسته باشد و عالم و عامى آن را بفهمند.

آخرین احادیث نمایش همه

رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
رسول اکرم (صلی الله علیه و آله ):
پیامبر (ص) فرمود: حواریون به عیسی گفتند: ای روح خدا! با چه کسی همنشین شویم؟ فرمود: با کسی که دیدن...

وبلاگ نمایش همه

can one seek the intercession of intercessors such as the Prophet?

can one seek the intercession of intercessors such...

Belief in the principle of intercession in the Hereafter, within the framework o...

A perfect explanation of the reality of Islam

A perfect explanation of the reality of Islam

Islam is an Arabic word which means submission and surrender. Thus as a religion...

The universality of Islam as viewed by the Qur'an

The universality of Islam as viewed by the Qur'an

The mission of the Prophet of Islam is universal, it is for all peoples, all pla...

A Brief Biography of the Eleventh Imam; Hassan Ibn Ali al-Askari (as)

A Brief Biography of the Eleventh Imam; Hassan Ibn...

...Imam al-‘Askari pointed at one of the monks and ordered the soldiers to take ...

40) Imam Sajjad's Supplication when Death was Mentioned

40) Imam Sajjad's Supplication when Death was Ment...

His Supplication when Someone's Death was Announced to him or when he Remembered...

What is meant by ‘The Courses’ (Sunnat) of Allah’?

What is meant by ‘The Courses’ (Sunnat) of Allah’?

There is a concept mentioned in some verses of the holy Qur'an which is The Cour...

Hasad (Destructive Jealousy), Sickness of The Soul and Heart

Hasad (Destructive Jealousy), Sickness of The Soul...

You don't like a person because he/she possesses some thing you imagine to be go...

Salwaat Sha'baniyah by Imam Zainul Abidin (AS)

Salwaat Sha'baniyah by Imam Zainul Abidin (AS)

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, t...