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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Imam Ali's Advice to His Son; Imam Hassan

Imam Ali's Advice to His Son; Imam Hassan

He wrote this letter for al-Hasan ibn 'Ali 1 (his son - peace be upon them), whe...

Signs of an authentic and true religion

Signs of an authentic and true religion

There are numerous religions and denominations in the world, almost all of which...

Before speaking, ask yourself three questions!

Before speaking, ask yourself three questions!

...One day an acquaintance met the great scholar and said, "Do you know what I j...

Pride and Arrogance Are Barriers to Paradise

Pride and Arrogance Are Barriers to Paradise

Proud and arrogant individuals look down upon others and anticipate others to gr...

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 2. Knowledge

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 2. Knowledge

There are hundreds of verses in which the Qur’an talks about different aspects o...

If the Shi‘ah are right, then why are they in the minority?

If the Shi‘ah are right, then why are they in the ...

Recognition of truth from falsehood is not determined by the fewness or plentitu...

Do the Shi‘ah believe in the tahrif (distortion) of the Qur’an?

Do the Shi‘ah believe in the tahrif (distortion) o...

Renowned Shi‘ah scholars are of the opinion that the Holy Qur’an is free from an...

Ablution (Wudu) according to the Shi'i school of thought

Ablution (Wudu) according to the Shi'i school of t...

There are some differences between Shi'a and Sunni school of thought with regard...