Islam Plus

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Имам Али (мир ему!):


رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
Великий пророк (да благословит его Аллах и род его!):
будучи спрошен о том, кто самый проницательный из верующих: - тот, кто больше всех поминает смерт...
الإمام جعفر الصادق (عليه السَّلام ):
Имам Джафар Садик (мир ему!) :
Поистине, кто отвечает на все, о чем его спрашивают – сумасшедший.
الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
Имам Али (мир ему!):
Радость – основа возникающей любви.


Repentance, an invitation to more sins or a door to rectifying one's mistakes?

Repentance, an invitation to more sins or a door t...

One of the teachings of Islam -and indeed of all religions of heavenly origin-is...

A Brief Biography of Imam Hussain (as)

A Brief Biography of Imam Hussain (as)

Anyone who studies closely the history of the life of Imam Husayn and Yazid and ...

The Oneness of God

The Oneness of God

Our faith in monotheism, the Unity or Oneness of God, is the purest in the world...

Sermon 100 of Nahj al-Balagha, About the Holy Prophet and his Descendants

Sermon 100 of Nahj al-Balagha, About the Holy Prop...

Praise be to Allah Who spreads His bounty throughout the creation, and extends H...

Imam Ali's Letter to Malik al-Ashtar Part 2

Imam Ali's Letter to Malik al-Ashtar Part 2

Written1 for (Malik) al-Ashtar an-Nakha'i, when the position of Muhammad ibn Abi...

Is My Wudhu (ablution) Correct? (story)

Is My Wudhu (ablution) Correct? (story)

One day in Madina, an old man was performing his Wudhu getting ready to say his ...

Event of Mubahalah

Event of Mubahalah

In the south of Arabia, there is a place called Najran. There lived the Christia...

Is the Punishment of Amputation of the Hands, Rough and Violent?

Is the Punishment of Amputation of the Hands, Roug...

Is the Punishment of Amputation of the Hands, Rough and Violent? Before answerin...