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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



11) His (Imam Sajjad's) Supplication for Good Outcomes

11) His (Imam Sajjad's) Supplication for Good Outc...

O He remembering whom brings honour to those who remember! O He thanking whom br...

Imam Ali's Advice to His Son; Imam Hassan

Imam Ali's Advice to His Son; Imam Hassan

He wrote this letter for al-Hasan ibn 'Ali 1 (his son - peace be upon them), whe...

What does “Shi‘ah” mean?

What does “Shi‘ah” mean?

In Arabic “Shi‘ah” literally means “follower”. And the Muslims use the word “Shi...

A Brief Biography of the Eleventh Imam; Hassan Ibn Ali al-Askari (as)

A Brief Biography of the Eleventh Imam; Hassan Ibn...

...Imam al-‘Askari pointed at one of the monks and ordered the soldiers to take ...

Sermon 106 of Nahj al-Balagha: About Islam

Sermon 106 of Nahj al-Balagha: About Islam

Praise belongs to Allah, who established Islam and made it easy for those who ap...

What is Meant by ‘Shaytan’ in the Noble Qur’an?

What is Meant by ‘Shaytan’ in the Noble Qur’an?

Shaytan refers to an entity that is rebellious - irrespective of whether it is o...

42) Imam Sajjad's Supplication upon Completing a Reading of the Qur'an

42) Imam Sajjad's Supplication upon Completing a R...

O God, Thou hast helped me complete Thy Book, which Thou sent down as a light an...