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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...


رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
The Prophet Muhammad (S):
It has been narrated by Imam Sadiq (a.s) that the Messenger of God (PBUH) said: The Apostles aske...


Who is the Mahdi of Muhammad’s Progeny and why are Shi'a waiting for his advent?

Who is the Mahdi of Muhammad’s Progeny and why are...

Among the issues on which the heavenly religions have consensus of opinion is th...

What is the purpose of mankind’s creation?

What is the purpose of mankind’s creation?

It is rare to find someone who has not asked himself or others the question: “Wh...

Importance and benefits of marriage in islam

Importance and benefits of marriage in islam

Every young person whether man or woman would like to have a successful marriage...

The purpose of divine trials and tests

The purpose of divine trials and tests

The topic of Divine trial is an issue of great debate and discussion. The first ...

Tawassul (Intermediary Causes) according to the Shi'ite school of thought

Tawassul (Intermediary Causes) according to the Sh...

The life of man is constructed on the basis of making use of various intermediar...

The Revelation of Sura al-Dahr (story)

The Revelation of Sura al-Dahr (story)

Once when Imam Hasan (A) and Imam Husain (A) were children they both fell ill. W...

Luxurious Life

Luxurious Life

A life of luxury and lavishness is not desirable in Islam. Islam condemns such l...