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L'Imam Ali(Que salut soit sur lui):

La meilleure des paroles est celle qui est embellie par une structure plaisante, et est comprise à la fois par l élite...

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A Brief Biography of Imam al-Mahdi

A Brief Biography of Imam al-Mahdi

Since the reports about the anticipated birth of Mahdi, the Messiah who will put...

taqiyya ('dissimulation') as viewed by the Shi'ite school of thought

taqiyya ('dissimulation') as viewed by the Shi'ite...

One of the teachings of the Qur'an is that a Muslim is permitted to conceal his ...

What is the meaning of being infallible?

What is the meaning of being infallible?

Allamah Tabatabai states: “Infallibility” means the presence of a quality in the...

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1. Unity

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1. Unity

The Unity of God is one of the most important principles of Islam. Although the ...

The Impact of Believing in the Imam on one’s Salvation

The Impact of Believing in the Imam on one’s Salva...

Here we will speak of the concept of salvation and success; what it is in this w...

The reality of dreams

The reality of dreams

Spiritual philosophers state that dreams are of several kinds: 1.Dreams that ar...

The philosophy behind Du'a and Invocations

The philosophy behind Du'a and Invocations

Those, who have not comprehended the reality of du'a, and its educative and psyc...