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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



A Brief Look at What Happens after Death

A Brief Look at What Happens after Death

According to the Qur'an, belief in the hereafter and in the principle of ultimat...

Degrees of the oneness of God 2 (Oneness of the Attributes)

Degrees of the oneness of God 2 (Oneness of the At...

we know that God is Knowing, Powerful, Living, Hearing, Seeing, and so on. These...

Imam Ali's Sermon on the Virtues of the Pious

Imam Ali's Sermon on the Virtues of the Pious

It is related that a companion of Amir al-mu'minin called Hammam1 who was a man ...

Illegitimate Relationships According to the Qur'an

Illegitimate Relationships According to the Qur'an

Islam does not forbid any sort of good and respectful relationship between the p...

The Qur'an, the Eternal Miracle

The Qur'an, the Eternal Miracle

History clearly shows that the Prophet of lslam performed diverse miracles in th...

Sermon 85 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the perfection of Allah and counselling

Sermon 85 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the perfection...

I stand witness that there is no god except Allah, He is One and there is no par...

Sermon 103 of Nahj al-Balagha: About abstemiousness and fear of Allah

Sermon 103 of Nahj al-Balagha: About abstemiousnes...

O people! Look at the world like those who abstain from it, and turn away from i...

Reincarnation, as viewed by Islam

Reincarnation, as viewed by Islam

Certain groups within different religions, and others outside the pale of all re...