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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Prophet Ibrahim and the Worship of Idols

Prophet Ibrahim and the Worship of Idols

Namrud, the King of Babylonia, was once informed by his astrologers that someone...

Attributes of Divine Activity

Attributes of Divine Activity

As for the attributes of Activity, these pertain to the various kinds of action ...

46) Imam Sajjad's Supplication on the Day of Fast-Breaking and on Friday

46) Imam Sajjad's Supplication on the Day of Fast-...

When he finished his prayer, he would stand in place, face the qibla, and say:

Dimensions of Man's existence

Dimensions of Man's existence

A human being is an entity compounded of spirit and matter. After death, the bod...

Human Glory; The Story of Feeding in Sura al-Insan

Human Glory; The Story of Feeding in Sura al-Insan

Both Hasan and Husayn were sick. when the Prophet, along with a group of his com...

The infallibility of the Imams

The infallibility of the Imams

According to the Ahl al-Bayt school of thought an Imam is not an ordinary leader...

Is Naskh (Abrogation) Permitted in the Religious Laws?

Is Naskh (Abrogation) Permitted in the Religious L...

In the terminology of the Shari'ah, Naskh means altering one ruling and replacin...