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Individual Ethics » Virtues » Certitude » The Signs of a Person of Conviction
رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
أمّا عَلامَةُ المُوقِنِ فَسِتَّةٌ: أيْقَنَ باللّهِ حَقّا فآمَنَ بهِ، وأيقَنَ بأنّ المَوتَ حقٌّ فحَذِرَهُ، وأيقَنَ بأنّ البَعثَ حَقٌّ فخافَ الفَضيحَةَ، وأيقَنَ بأنّ الجَنّةَ حَقٌّ فاشتاقَ إلَيها، وأيقَنَ بأنّ النّارَ حَقٌّ فظَهَرَ سَعيُهُ لِلنَّجاةِ مِنها، وأيقَنَ بأنّ الحِسابَ حَقٌّ فحاسَبَ نَفسَهُ.

There are six signs of a person of conviction: he has truly attained conviction in Allah and believed in Him, he is convinced that death is true and he is wary of it, he is convinced that Resurrection is true and he fears shame , he is convinced that Heaven is true and he longs for it, he is convinced that Hell is true and his endeavour is apparent in his wanting to be saved from it, he is convinced that the Account is true and so he takes account of himself.
Source: Tuḥaf al-‘Uqūl No20
ID: 2327

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The Prophet Muhammad (S)

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Tuḥaf al-‘Uqūl
Al-Ḥasan b. ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn b. Shuʿba al-Ḥarrānī (Arabic: الحسن بن علی بن الحسین بن شعبه الحرَّانی) is a Shi'i hadith compiler. His major work on hadith is Tuhaf al-'uqul. There are two works attributed to al-Harrani; al-Tamhis and Tuhaf al-'uqul fi ma ja' min al-hikam wa l-mawa'iz min Al al-Rasul.

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