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Fundamental Beliefs » Human and Human » Ahl al-Bayt » Virtues of the Shia
الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
شِيعَتُنَا المُتَباذِلُونَ في وَلاَيتِنا ، المُتَحابُّونَ في مَوَدَّتِنا المُتَزاوِرُونَ في إحياءِ أمرِنا ، الذينَ إن غَضِبُوا لَم يَظلِمُوا ، و إن رَضُوا لَم يُسرِفُوا ، بَرَكَةٌ على مَن جاوَرُوا ، سِلمٌ لِمَن خالَطُوا .

Our Shia are those who give generously in our friendship, love one another in the light of our love, visit one another to revive our cause, those who if angered do not wrong, if pleased do not go to extremes. They are blessings to their neighbors, and at peace with those they associate with.
ID: 27259

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Imam Ali (as)

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