Lady Narjis Khatoon, mother of Imam Mahdi (A) (story)

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Lady Narjis Khatoon, mother of Imam Mahdi (A) (story)

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The name of the mother of our 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (A) is Lady Narjis Khatun. She was also called Malika. She was not from Arabia. She was the grand-daughter of the Roman Emperor of the time. The history of her arrival into Samarra is very interesting: Once, our 10th Imam (A) sent one of his followers to Baghdad to purchase a special slave who had been captured in a battle. The Imam (A) gave his follower some signs by which he would recognize her. He also gave him 120 Dinars and a letter written in the Roman language to hand over to the slave.

The man went to find the slave as the Imam (A) had instructed him. When he found her he gave her Imam's (A) letter. She read it and immediately agreed to accompany him back to the Imam (A). The man paid the seller and returned with the lady to Samarra. The lady was none other than Lady Narjis Khatun, the mother of our 12th Imam (A). She married our 11th Imam (A) and on the 15th Sha'ban in 255 AH, they were blessed by Allah with the birth of a special son. It was our 12th Imam (A), Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (A). Immediately upon his birth, he first prostrated in Sajdah and then recited the Kalima. This was the practice of all our Imams (A). Lady Narjis Khatun was from the descendants of Shamun, the successor of Prophet Isa (A). And Imam Hasan al-Askari was from the descendants of Imam Ali (A), the successor of Prophet Muhammad (S). From his parents, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi has inherited both the Jewish and Arab Prophets. 1

A hadith from the Imam 

So know it that the right of Imamate is with us & among us. And who so ever says (believes) it to be with others than us, he is a blamer, liar. And nobody except us claims it but the gone astray & deviated one. 2

1. Jawadi, Nuqoosh-e-'Ismat, pg 663
2. Kamal Uddin Vol. 2. P 511
«وَليَعلَمُوا اَنَّ الحَقَّ مَعَنا وفينا لا يَقُولُ ذلِکَ سِوانااِلاّ کَذّابٌ مُفتَرٍ وَلا يَدَّعِيهِ غَيرُنا اِلاّ ضالٌّ غَوِیٌّ...»

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