Why is it Necessary to Utter Allah’s Name at the Time of Slaughtering (Animals)?

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Why is it Necessary to Utter Allah’s Name at the Time of Slaughtering (Animals)?

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Does reciting the name of Allah (s.w.t.) or another entity while slaughtering an animal have an influence upon the meat of the animal as far as hygiene and sanitation is concerned?


In answer to this question it must be mentioned that it is not essential for the name of Allah (s.w.t.) or another entity to necessitate an impact on the substance and essence of the meat in terms of cleanliness. This is because, the prohibition imposed on certain things in Islam are dictated by several factors.

At times, the prohibition is for the purpose of hygiene and protection of the body, while at other times it is for the purification of the soul and on occasions it is for preserving the social order. In reality, the prohibition imposed upon consumption of meat of animals that have been slaughtered without mentioning the name of Allah or by reciting names other than the name of Allah, has spiritual, ethical and educative dimension associated with it.


At times, the prohibition is for the purpose of hygiene and protection of the body, while at other times it is for the purification of the soul and on occasions it is for preserving the social order. In reality, the prohibition imposed upon consumption of meat of animals that have been slaughtered without mentioning the name of Allah or by reciting names other than the name of Allah, has spiritual, ethical and educative dimension associated with it.

Such acts distance man from Allah (s.w.t.) and possess undesirable psychological effects; this is so since this act belongs to the rites associated with polytheism and paganism, and serves to revive their memories.1

1. Tafsir-e-Namuna, vol. 1, pg. 588

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