Greed and Aspiration (story)

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Greed and Aspiration (story)

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The Abbasid Caliph Haroon al-Rashid desired that any one who had seen the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in his lifetime be brought before him. After some time a very old woman was brought before the Caliph Haroon Rashid.

The Caliph Haroon al-Rashid asked the old woman, "Did you see the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) yourself?" She said, "Yes! Oh Sir." The Caliph Haroon al-Rashid then asked her if she remembered any narration from him. She said yes and said,

"When old age comes two things become young, one is hope (lofty aspirations) and the other is greed."

The Caliph Haroon al-Rashid thanked her and gave her one hundred dinars. The woman thanked the Caliph Haroon al-Rashid and she was taken back.

Half the way some thought passed through her mind and she desired to be brought before the Caliph Haroon al-Rashid once more. When she was shown in, the Caliph Haroon al-Rashid asked, "Well, why have you come back?" She said. "I just came to inquire whether the money you gave me was once for all or is it to continue every year?"

The Caliph Haroon al-Rashid thought. "How true is the Holy Prophet Muhammad's words!" She has hope of life even now and she has greed for money too. The Caliph Haroon al-Rashid said, "Don't worry; you will be paid every year." She was taken back but on the way she breathed her last.

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