35) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Satisfaction with the Decree

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35) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Satisfaction with the Decree

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1- Praise belongs to God in satisfaction with God's decision! I bear witness that God has apportioned the livelihoods of His servants with justice and undertaken bounty for all His creatures.

2- O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, tempt me not with what Thou hast given to Thy creatures and tempt them not with what Thou hast withheld from me. Lest I envy Thy creatures and despise Thy decision!

O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, delight my soul through Thy decree, expand my breast through the instances of Thy decision, give to me a trust through which I may admit that Thy decree runs only to the best, and let my gratitude to Thee for what Thou hast taken away from me be more abundant than my gratitude to Thee for what Thou hast conferred upon me!

3- O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, delight my soul through Thy decree, expand my breast through the instances of Thy decision, give to me a trust through which I may admit that Thy decree runs only to the best, and let my gratitude to Thee for what Thou hast taken away from me be more abundant than my gratitude to Thee for what Thou hast conferred upon me!

4- Preserve me from imagining any meanness in someone who is destitute or imagining any superiority in someone who possesses wealth, for the noble is he whom obedience to Thee has ennobled and the exalted is he whom worship of Thee has exalted!

Preserve me from imagining any meanness in someone who is destitute or imagining any superiority in someone who possesses wealth, for the noble is he whom obedience to Thee has ennobled and the exalted is he whom worship of Thee has exalted!

5. So bless Muhammad and his Household, give us to enjoy a wealth which does not run out, confirm us with an exaltation which will never be lost, and let us roam freely in the kingdom of everlastingness! Surely Thou art the One, the Unique, the Eternal Refuge; Thou hast not begotten, nor hast Thou been begotten, and equal to Thee is not any one!1

1. Sura 112

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