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L'Imam Ali(Que salut soit sur lui):

La meilleure des paroles est celle qui est embellie par une structure plaisante, et est comprise à la fois par l élite...

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Conjugal Rights

Conjugal Rights

Human life is not confined to food and drinks. Rather love, affection and sacrif...

The Superiority of God-made Laws over Man-made Laws

The Superiority of God-made Laws over Man-made La...

The secular system always swings according to the mood of the people: sometimes,...

The purpose of the Imamate (leadership)

The purpose of the Imamate (leadership)

As God chose special parsons to reveal his message and gave them special powers ...

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 2. Knowledge

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 2. Knowledge

There are hundreds of verses in which the Qur’an talks about different aspects o...

What Non-Muslims Say About Islam, The Fastest Growing Religion in the World

What Non-Muslims Say About Islam, The Fastest Grow...

This is a collection of short quotations from a wide variety of Non-Muslim notab...

Beware of the poor!

Beware of the poor!

Beware! Fear God when dealing with the problem of the poor who have non to patro...