Fascinating discourses from Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (AS)

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Fascinating discourses from Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (AS)

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Eleventh Infallible Imam Jawad (as)

Name: Mohammed
Renouned Title: Jawad, Taqi (as)
Sub Title: Abu Ja’far
Father and Mother: Imam Ridha’ (as) and Khaizrun (as)
Time & Place of Birth: 10th of Rajab 193 Hijrah in Medina Time & Place of: End of Ziqadah
Martyrdom: Year 220 lunar Hijrah at the age of 25 years by the effect of Poison given to him by the order of Motasim Abbasi through Umul Fazl (his wife) & the daughter of Mamoon.
Martyred at Baghdad.
Tomb: City of Kazmain near Baghdad. Life Duration: Two parts
1. Seven years before Imaate
2. 17 Years after commencments of Imamate coincident with the Government of two Taghoots (devils) Mamoon & Motasim the seventh & Eight Abbasade caliphs.
His active Imamate Started at the age of seven & he was martyred at 25.

Twenty Traditions from Imam Jawad (AS)

1. If the ignorant kept silent, people would not differ. (Ehqaq ul-Haqq, Vol. 12, P 432)

1- لَو سَکَتَ الجاهِلُ مَا اختَلَفَ النّاسُ. (احقاق الحق ج2 ص432)


2. Allah revealed to some of the Prophets: Nevertheless, your piety in the World makes you easy & comfortable.
Moreover, you’re disconnecting from the world & turning toward me makes you honorable by me. But have you ever made anyone your enemy for me. And made a friend for me? (I.e. for my sake)? (Tuhaf al-Uqul P 456)

2- اَوحَی اللهُ اِلی بَعضِ الأنبِياءِ: اَمّا زُهدُکَ فِی الدُّنيا فَتُعَجّلُکَ الرّاحَة،وَاَمّا انقِطاعُکَ اِلَیَّ فَيُعَزِّزُکَ بِي، وَلکِن هَل عادَيتَ لي عَدُوّاً وَوالَيتَ لي وَلِيّاً؟ (تحف العقول ص456)


3. It is sufficient for a man's being dishonest that he becomes the trustee of dishonest ones (treacherous). (Ayan ush-Shia New Edmon Vol. 2, P 36)

3- کَفی بِالمَرءِ خِيانَةً أَن يَکُونَ أَميناً لِلخَوَنَةِ. (اعيان الشيعة (الطبع الجديد) ج2 ص36)


The one who lends ear and listens to a speaker he has worshiped him. So if the speaker is from Allah's side (speaks the word of Allah) then he has worshipped Allah and if the speaker is speaking from the tongue of Satan then he has worshiped Satan.

4. The one who lends ear and listens to a speaker he has worshiped him. So if the speaker is from Allah's side (speaks the word of Allah) then he has worshipped Allah and if the speaker is speaking from the tongue of Satan then he has worshiped Satan. (Tuhaf al-Uqul P 456)

4- مَن أَصغی إِلی ناطِقِ فَقَد عَبَدَهُ،فَإن کانَ النّاطِقُ عَنِ اللهِ فَقَد عَبَدَ اللهَ،وَ إِن کانَ النّاطِقُ يَنطِقُ عَن لِسانِ إِبليسَ فَقَد عَبَدَ إِبليسَ. (تحف العقول ص456)


The blessings of Allah do not become great (abundant) for a person except that the needs of the people toward him become great as well (in number) so the one who does not bear (the burden of) those needs, puts those blessings into annihilation.

5. The blessings of Allah do not become great (abundant) for a person except that the needs of the people toward him become great as well (in number) so the one who does not bear (the burden of) those needs, puts those blessings into annihilation. (Ehqaq ul-Haqq, Vol. 12, P 428)

5- ما عَظُمَت نِعَمُ اللهِ عَلی أَحَدٍ إِلاّ عَظُمَت إِلَيهِ حَوائِجُ النّاسِ، فَمَن لَم يَحتَمِل تِلکَ المَؤُونَةَ عَرَّضَ تِلکَ النِّعمَةَ لِلزَّوالِ. (احقاق الحق ج12 ص428)


6. Delaying repentance is a deception & prolonging the period before making repentance is an amazingly wandering. And adducing pretexts & making excuses before Allah is an annihilation. And insisting upon sin is being (considering oneself) safe from the scheme of Allah. And no one ever thinks himself safe from the scheme of Allah except the community of losers. (Tuhaf al-Uqul P 456)

6- تَأخِيرُ التَّوبَةِ اغتِرارٌ.وَطُولُ التَّسويفِ حَيرَةٌ.وَالاِ عِتلالُ عَلَی اللهِ هَلَکَةٌ، وَالاِصرارُ عَلی الذَّنبِ أَمنٌ لِمَکرِ اللهِ «وَلا يَأمَنُ مَکرَ اللهِ إلاّ القَومُ الخاسِرُونَ». (تحف العقول ص456)


7. Four qualities assist one upon practicing, health & wealth & knowledge & divine grace. ( Ehqaq ul-Haqq, Vol. 12, P 436)

7- أَربَعُ خِصالٍ تُعِينُ المَرءَ عَلَی العَمَلِ: الصِّحَّةُ وَالغِنی وَالعِلمُ وَالتَّوفيقُ. (احقاق الحق ج12 ص436)

Four qualities assist one upon practicing, health & wealth & knowledge & divine grace. 


8. Do know that you are not away from the sight of Allah, So see to it that in what condition you are living (sinfulness or piety). (Tuhaf al-Uqul P 455)

8- وَاعلَم أنَّکَ لَن تَخلُوَمِن عَينِ الله،فَانظُر کَيفَ تَکُونُ. (تحف العقول ص455)


9. The one who commits aggression & tyranny & the one who helps him upon it & the one who is pleased over it, are all participants in it. (Ehqaq ul-Haqq, Vol. 12, P 432)

9- أَلعامِلُ بِالظُّلمِ وَالمُعِينُ عَلَيهِ وَالرّاضِي شُرَکاءُ. (احقاق الحق ج12 ص432)


10. The person who gets wealthy by Allah's (help) people will be needy towards him & the one who guards himself against Allah's forbidden acts people will love him. (Ehqaq ul-Haqq, Vol. 12, P 429)

10- مَن استَغنی بِاللهِ افتَقَرَ النّاسُ إِلَيهِ، وَمَن اتَّقی اللهَ أَحَبَّهُ النّاسُ. (احقاق الحق ج12 ص429)


Trust in Allah is the price of every valuable commodity & the stairs to every lofty place.

11. Trust in Allah is the price of every valuable commodity & the stairs to every lofty place. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 364)

11- أَلثِّقَةٌ بِاللهِ تَعالی ثَمَنٌ لِکُلِّ عالٍ،وَسُلَّمٌ إِلی کُلِّ عالٍ. (بحارالانوار ج78 ص364)


12. How does he, whose guardian is Allah, get perished? And how can he, who is being pursued by Allah, get saved. (Ehqaq ul Haqq, Vol. 12, P 436)

12- کَيفَ يُضَيَّعُ مَنِ اللهُ کافِلُهُ؟ وَکَيفَ يَنجُو مَنِ اللهُ طالِبُهُ؟ (احقاق الحق ج12 ص436)


13. Indeed, you do not find access to the love of Allah except by facing the enmity of lot many people. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 363))

13- اِنّا لا تَنالُ مَحَبَّةَ اللهِ اِلاّ بِبُغضِ کَثيرٍمِنَ النّاسِ. (بحارالانوار ج78 ص363)


14. Beware of the company of evil person since he is like a sword which is apparently beautiful looking & it's effect is bad (in spilling blood on the way of falsehood.) (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 364)

14- إِيّاکَ وَمُصاحَبَةَ الشِّرِّيرِ، فَإنَّهُ کَالسَّيفِ يَحسُنُ مَنظَرُهُ وَيَقبُحُ أَثَرُهُ. (بحار ج78 ص364)


15. The honor of faithful lies in his needlessness from the people. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 365)

15- عِزُّالمُؤمِنِ في غِناهُ عَنِ النّاسِ. (بحار ج78 ص365)


The one who acts without knowledge destroys & ruins more than rectifies.

16. The one who acts without knowledge destroys & ruins more than rectifies. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 364)

16- مَن عَمِلَ عَلی غَيرِ عِلمٍ، ما يُفسِدُ أَکثَرُ مِمّا يُصلِحُ. (بحار ج78 ص364)


17. The one who obeys his lustful desire & passions has helped his enemy reach (achieve) his wish. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 364)

17- مَن أطاعَ هَواهُ أَعطی عَدُوَّهُ مُناهُ. (بحار ج78 ص364)


The faithful needs three qualities, the grace & succor of Allah. And an admonition & preacher of his own interior. And accepting the word of the one who admonishes him.

18. The faithful needs three qualities, the grace & succor of Allah. And an admonition & preacher of his own interior. And accepting the word of the one who admonishes him. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 358)

18- أَلمُؤمِنُ يَحتاجُ إِلی ثَلاثِ خِصالٍ:تَوفيق مِنَ اللهِ،وَواعِظٍ مِن نَفسِهِ، وَقَبُولٍ مِمَّن يَنصَحُهُ. (بحار ج78 ص358)


19. The supply of enhancement & abundance (of beneficence) from Allah does not get cut off till the thanksgiving of servants gets disconnected. (Tuhaf al-Uqul, P 457)

19-لا يَنقَطِعُ المَزيدُ مِنَ اللهِ حَتّی يَنقَطِعَ الشُّکرُ مِنَ العِبادَ. (تحف العقول ص457


The people of good deeds are needier towards practicing them than those who have the need of their good deeds. Because they (good doers) have the reward, pride & mentioning of those deeds to their credit. So the man who performs a good deed first of all it's benefit reaches his own self.

20. The people of good deeds are needier towards practicing them than those who have the need of their good deeds. Because they (good doers) have the reward, pride & mentioning of those deeds to their credit. So the man who performs a good deed first of all it's benefit reaches his own self. (Ehqaq ul-HaqqVol. 12, P 437)

20- أَهلُ المَعرُوفِ إِلَی اصطِناعِهِ أَحوَجُ مِن أَهلِ الحاجَةِ إِلَيهِ،لِأَنَّ لَهُم أَجرَهُم وَفَخرَهُ وَذِکرَهُ،فَمَا اصطَنَعَ الرَّجُلُ مِن مَعرُوفٍ فَإنَّما يَبدَأ فيهِ بِنَفسِهِ. (احقاق الحق ج12 ص437)



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