Imam al-Baqir (a.s.); a Symbol for Truth

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Imam al-Baqir (a.s.); a Symbol for Truth

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Allah (SWT) would never choose a person as an Imam and make him His decisive argument on the people unless his virtues has come to perfection and all his sayings and deeds has become symbol. He would say nothing but truth, and do nothing but good…
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) is the fifth leader of the Shiites, who is a perfect manifestation of a true servant of Allah (SWT) and a symbol for truth seekers in terms of behavior and moral characteristics, just like his pure ancestors. In his behavior towards people, he used to be so chaste that he neglected people's wrongdoings as much as possible. This manner of the Imam would extremely affect the people's heart. The following narration clearly indicates this magnificent virtue:

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) is the fifth leader of the Shiites, who is a perfect manifestation of a true servant of Allah (SWT) and a symbol for truth seekers in terms of behavior and moral characteristics, just like his pure ancestors. In his behavior towards people, he used to be so chaste that he neglected people's wrongdoings as much as possible. This manner of the Imam would extremely affect the people's heart. The following narration clearly indicates this magnificent virtue:

A Christian man who intended to make fun of the Imam Baqir (A.S.), changed the word "Baqir"[His title was "Baqir", which means the divider. He was known as "Baqir al-Ulum", which means the divider of the knowledge] to "Baqar"[ In Arabic, "Baqar" means cow], and addressed him insultingly. Without showing any signs of sadness or anger, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) simply replied him:" No, I am not Baqar, but Baqir".

- The Christian continued: "You are son of the woman who was a cook".
- Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.): "That was her career. This is not shameful."
- The Christian: "Your mother was black, rude, and impolite".
- Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.):

"If such matters of which you accuse my mother are true, I ask Allah to forgive her sins; and if they are false, I ask Him to forgive you for your accusation and lie."

Noticing such patience was enough for the Christian to be revolutionized and attracted towards Islam. [1][2]

1. Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 11, p. 83.

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